What Is The Point Of 白洋淀

1. 生态补水对白洋淀湿地植被格局的影响 - 《湖泊科学》

  • 摘要:白洋淀位于雄安新区腹地,是雄安新区重要的生态屏障与后花园,生态补水与植被恢复是白洋淀生态修复的重要内容. 本文运用遥感影像资料,对比分析了雄安新区设立 ...

  • Lake Baiyangdian is located in the hinterland of the Xiong'an New Area and is an important ecological barrier. Ecological water supplement and vegetation restoration are important ecological restoration contents for Lake Baiyangdian. This study used remote sensing image data in 2017 and 2020 to compare and analyze the change trends of different land-use types in Lake Baiyangdian since the establishment of the Xiong'an New Area. A total of six land-use types were classified, including emergent vegetation, submerged vegetation, terrestrial vegetation, open water, construction land, and bare land. The monthly spatial and temporal variations, biomass variations of emergent, submerged, and terrestrial vegetation were identified and calculated. The impacts of water level changes on the biomass of emergent and submerged vegetation were also analyzed. Results showed that the water levels increased significantly due to the ecological water supplement in 2020 compared with 2017. The areas of submerged and terrestrial vegetation expanded, and that of emergent vegetation and bare land decreased. The emergent vegetation biomass showed a decreasing trend with the increasing water level and reached the maximum in August. Temperature significantly promoted the growth of emergent vegetation. On the contrary, the maximum biomass of submerged vegetation occurred in May, September, and October, which was not significantly affected by the water level. Generally, since the establishment of the Xio...

2. 白洋淀水环境状况与治理保护对策

  • 摘要由于连年干旱和人类活动的干扰,白洋淀面临生态缺水、水环境污染、水体富营养化及水生生物多样性破坏等生态危机。近几年,白洋淀水体多为Ⅴ类或劣Ⅴ类,处于轻度富营养 ...

3. 气候变化和人类活动对白洋淀上游水源区径流的影响 - 地理学报

  • 白洋淀是华北平原最大的湖泊湿地,对维持华北平原生态平衡具有极其重要的作用。近年来,白洋淀流域水源减少已经引起了严重的生态环境问题,本文以唐河上游流域为例, ...

  • 白洋淀是华北平原最大的湖泊湿地,对维持华北平原生态平衡具有极其重要的作用。近年来,白洋淀流域水源减少已经引起了严重的生态环境问题,本文以唐河上游流域为例,根据流域内1960-2008 年水文气象数据,采用气候弹性系数和水文模拟方法,研究了气候变化和人类活动对白洋淀上游水源区径流量的影响。结果表明:年径流下降趋势显著,下降速率为1.7 mm/a,且径流在1980 年前后发生了突变;气候变化对唐河上游流域径流减少的贡献率为38%~40%,人类活动对径流的减少起主导作用,为60%~62%。为维持白洋淀的生态功能,必须保证一定的最小生态需水量,开展湿地生态用水调度与监管。

4. 白洋淀水位代表性分析 - 河北水利电力学院学报

5. 白洋淀农业面源污染治理分析——基于政府与农户演化博弈模型

  • 摘要: 白洋淀农业面源污染治理的研究对实现白洋淀生态全面治理与修复,建设 ... point source pollution control—were introduced innovatively, to make a more ...

  • 白洋淀农业面源污染治理的研究对实现白洋淀生态全面治理与修复,建设天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽新区具有重要现实意义。针对雄安新区白洋淀农业面源污染治理的定量研究相对欠缺,基于演化博弈理论,构建公众参与下政府与农户的演化博弈模型,在政府惩罚金额、补贴金额以及农户减污成本的基础上创新性地引入政府环保政策执行力度、公众农业面源污染治理参与度两个因素,更加全面地研究博弈主体的行为策略与演化轨迹。结果发现:政府实施惩罚、农户积极减污是主体可以实现的理想演变稳定状态。新区政府环保政策执行力度提升、公众农业面源污染治理参与度加强、新区政府惩罚金额增加、农户减污成本降低有助于农户向积极减污的演化发展。对尽快实现理想稳态、确保水质达标、实现白洋淀生态修复具有重要影响。据此认为,下一步应重点加强新区政府对农户农药化肥使用的监管力度,高度重视农户减污成本对白洋淀农业面源污染治理政策的响应意愿,积极建立公众参与农业面源污染治理的管理机制。

6. 极端降水条件下白洋淀主淀区水化学特征及水质变化 - 《湖泊科学》

  • (3) The extreme precipitation raised the diffusion rate of non-point source pollution and increased the concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and ...

  • Extreme precipitation is one of the important meteorological factors affecting water quality. With global warming, the frequency and magnitude of extreme precipitation events have increased significantly, which greatly influenced the hydrochemistry and water environment in lakes. Lake Baiyangdian is an important wetland and ecological area in North China. In order to identify the hydrochemical characteristics and water quality variations in the main area of Lake Baiyangdian under an extreme precipitation event, the Piper diagram, Gibbs diagram, and multivariate statistical methods were used to elucidate the hydrochemical characteristics, hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope characteristics, and spatial variations of water quality in this study. Accordingly, the effects of the extreme precipitation event on the hydrochemistry and water quality were detected in the main area of Lake Baiyangdian. The results showed that (1) Lake water is weakly alkaline, and the hydrochemistry type is Ca-HCO3·SO4 under the extreme precipitation event. The extreme precipitation weakened the effects of evapotranspiration and human activities on the chemical compositions of the lake water. The extreme precipitation also led to the large changes in pH, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solid values in the lake water. (2) The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic values (δ2H and δ18O) respectively ranged from -60.86‰ to -35.01‰ and from -8.84‰ to -3.45‰, sho...

7. 白洋淀近5年水生态环境质量变化趋势与营养状态分析

  • 白洋淀湿地生态功能评价及分区[J]. 生态学报, 2020, 40(2): 459-472. ZHU J F ... Investigation on non-point sources pollution of a typical village and ...

  • 白洋淀作为华北地区最大的淡水湖泊,对维持、调节、改善区域生态环境质量发挥着重要作用。本文以2016—2020年逐月水质监测数据为基础,利用多种分析与评价方法,全面阐述了白洋淀“十三五”期间水生态环境质量状况,其目的在于掌握白洋淀水生态环境质量变化规律,为区域水生态环境“十四五”规划提供数据支撑与理论指导。分析结果表明,“十三五”期间白洋淀整体水环境质量呈现逐年上升趋势,水质呈清洁状态,富营养化水平均为中度富营养,水质类别集中在Ⅳ—劣Ⅴ类,占比分别为31.2%、27.7%以及28.4%。主要污染指标为化学需氧量、高锰酸盐指数、总磷、生化需氧量、氨氮以及溶解氧,浓度年均值呈现逐年下降趋势,溶解氧浓度呈现上升趋势。时间变化上,受降水量年内分布的影响,主要污染指标浓度年内高值集中出现在7、8月份;空间变化上,生化需氧量、总磷与氨氮浓度最大值出现在焦庄断面,其次为安州与南刘庄。分析了2020年白洋淀水环境质量状况,结果表明,白洋淀水生态环境质量呈现出波动性反弹(平稳期1—4月,反弹期5—8月,恢复期9—10月),经实地调查与数据分析发现,主要原因是2020年5月白洋淀实施了底泥清淤工程所导致的。

8. 白洋淀。|Trip.com 白洋澱

  • 12 sep 2024 · 白洋淀。 景點簡介1荷花大觀園景區最著名的景點之一,園內有300多種荷花,漫步在曲徑通幽的棧道上,欣賞色彩繽紛、姿態各 ...

  • 景點簡介1荷花大觀園 景區最著名的景點之一,園內有300多種荷花,漫步在曲徑通幽的棧道上,欣賞色彩繽紛、姿態各異的荷花,感受"接天蓮葉無窮碧,映日荷花別樣紅"的盛景鴛鴦島 島上風景秀麗,觀賞珍稀鳥類,感受大自然的魅力,有月老祠、民俗館等景點3白洋淀文化苑 了解白洋淀的歷史文化,有雁翎隊紀念館、康熙水圍行宮等景點,4嘎子村 以小兵張嘎的故事為背景,村內有嘎子雕塑、嘎子家等景點 最佳旅遊時間:6~10月 7~9月景色最美、最適合遊玩,此時荷花盛開,花海極為壯觀

9. 白洋淀流域氮、磷、COD负荷估算及来源解析 - 中国环境科学

  • 摘要 基于DEM数据,运用GIS工具划分子流域,并提取土地利用和土壤类型等空间相关资料,通过文献调研和区域情况调查获取模型参数,建立白洋淀 ... point and non-point sources in ...

  • 中国环境科学  2021, Vol. 41 Issue (1): 366-376    DOI:

10. [PDF] 白洋淀流域厚包气带硝态氮迁移转化过程及其主控因素 - 中国生态农业学报

  • 11 sep 2024 · vances current research about nitrate migration and transformation from point-scale to watershed scale but also provides valuable in- sights ...

11. [PDF] 河北白洋淀全新统沉积特征与地层划分

  • 对白洋淀全新统沉积序列进行系统 ... Formal definition and dating of the GSSP (Global Stratotype. Section and Point) for the base of the Holocene using the.

12. 基于降水量的白洋淀最低水位预测研究

  • 根据2018年5月白洋淀水位和白洋淀区域2018年7-8月、7-9月平均降水量预测的 ... Two-point step size gradient methods[J]. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis ...

  • The planning outline of Xiong'an New Area clearly states that the proportion of blue-green space in the Xiong'an New Area will be stable at 70% in the future. Baiyangdian Lake is the largest wetland and water body in the Xiong'an New Area. Understanding and predicting changes in this water body is of great significance to ensure the production of domestic water and ecological security of the Xiong'an New Area. In order to predict the lowest water level of Baiyangdian Lake from October to April of the next year, and to guide water resources management and disaster prevention and mitigation of the Xiong'an New Area, a historical data regression method and a machine learning method were used to analyze the water level variation in the Baiyangdian Lake with different regional precipitation. It was found that the lowest water level of Baiyangdian Lake from October to April was highly correlated with both the mean precipitation in the current rainy season and the water level in May of that year. Based on this result, a method was established to predict the lowest water level in Baiyangdian Lake from the current rainy season until the next rainy season by using the precipitation data in the current rainy season and the water level before the current rainy season. According to the precipitation and water level data in Baiyangdian Lake from 2001 to 2017, the prediction model for the lowest water level was established. Furthermore, gradient descent algorithm was adopted for machine lea...

What Is The Point Of 白洋淀
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