The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (2025)

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The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (1) ByAndrew Kim


You might have a relative or friend who's an inmate in North Carolina, but have no idea how to communicate with them. You have all right to visit them, call, write, or if they're in a maximum security prison.

How do you go about that to make the process easier? It's not always easy to get packages sent to inmates in prison, especially in North Carolina. Fortunately, you have DoNotPay available to help you connect with an inmate in the easiest possible way.

What Prison Facilities Are in North Carolina?

Before you think of , you can learn about the prison facilities in the state. Fifty-six prison or correctional facilities exist in North Carolina, with all divided up into four regional offices. The Eastern division is located in Greenville, the central region is located in Raleigh, the western region is in Valdese, and the southern region is in Raeford.

Out of all facilities, some of the largest prisons include:

  • Lanesboro Correctional Institution in the Central Region
  • Tabor Correctional Institution in the Southern Region
  • Bertie Correctional Institution in the Eastern Region
  • Alexander Correctional Institution in the Western Region

You'll also find six federal prisons in North Carolina, all of which hold male prisoners. In total, those hold up to 3,400 inmates. To find out how to contact these prisons, visit the North Carolina Department of Public Safety DOP Regional Map to get the names of individual facilities. By simply Googling those names, you can find their contact information.

North Carolina Department of Public Safety Contact Information
WebsiteNorth Carolina Department of Public Safety
Facility ListingsOfficial DOP Regional Map
DirectoryContact Page
AddressNC Department of Public Safety

4201 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC 27699-4201

EmailOnline Contact Form

Also, if you want to find where an inmate is in a North Carolina prison, the North Carolina Inmate Search website is one resource to use, despite taking considerable time. On their page, you can type in the inmate's first and last name. Results give you a number listing the inmate's status, offense, and when they're projected to be released.

How to Contact Inmates in a North Carolina Prison

If you want to contact an inmate in a North Carolina prison, the state's Department of Public Safety has some valuable information for you. Here's what you need to know:

  • The Department of Public Safety teamed up with telecommunications company GTL to help provide direct phone links to prisoners.
  • The phone service you use through GTL is called ConnectNetwork. This allows you to set up a prepaid telephone account to contact an inmate personally.
  • You can also send an inmate money through this method using a PIN debit phone account.

While the above is strictly for contacting inmates, you have to contact each prison individually for details on how to send letters, packages, food, money, or in-person visitations.

For instance, Lanesboro Correctional Institution only allows visitors by appointment. Prisoners can only talk with you in-person on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Time for visitations on these days is 8:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m., and 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

Steps to Take Before Contacting a Prisoner in North Carolina

Despite having ways to contact an inmate above, many of them take considerable amounts of time you might not have. Even other inmate search tools aren't always accurate or give you detailed enough information.

Some other things you should know before attempting to contact an inmate:

  1. Interstate communication can often be more expensive. Be aware that calling from out of state means extra charges through many phone companies.
  2. You might have trouble finding an inmate through some search services if the prison is located in the middle of nowhere.
  3. You'll need to have as much information about the inmate as possible to make the search easier.

Fortunately, our DoNotPay app is available as an excellent search tool that exceeds all others. Let us show you how easy it is to find an inmate using our app product.

DoNotPay Can Help You Locate Your Imprisoned Friend

By using our app, you can find an inmate in mere minutes after providing some key pieces of information. Take a look at these five easy steps:

  1. Locate the Connect With an Inmate service on DoNotPay.The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (2)
  2. Choose whether you want to locate a loved one, create a virtual mailbox, or send a personalized letter.The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (3)
  3. If you want us to find your loved one, provide his or her personal details and the state they're located in. We'll then conduct a search on the appropriate state database.The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (4)
  4. If you want to create a virtual mailbox, just provide your full name! We'll set one up for you so you can easily receive incoming mail from your loved one.The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (5)
  5. If sending a personalized letter, tell us which facility your loved one is located in and what you would like to say to them. You can even include a photo! Your letter will be delivered automatically. Just wait 10 days for it to arrive to your loved one by mail!The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (6)

With DoNotPay, you can learn how to properly address a letter when you send a mail to your incarcerated loved ones.

What Else Can DoNotPay Do for You?

In addition to helping you find an inmate at the mere click of a button, we're also available to help you with any issue that you might face. Check out the following resources:

  • Deal with credit card issues
  • Find coupons and deals
  • Get out of parking tickets
  • Fight speeding tickets
  • Cancel subscriptions you don't want to pay for
  • Fight back against shady landlords
  • Get help with bills

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The #1 Way to Send Packages to Inmates in North Carolina (2025)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.